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Awards given across combination of Kent League and Maidstone League for the last two seasons (Winter 2022/23 and Summer 2023)

The winners were as follows:
Most matches played – Man – James Barton
Most matches played – Woman – Alison Ribbon
Best win to individual doubles matches played ratio – Man – Tim Fox
Best win to individual doubles matches played ratio – Woman – Julie Speechley
Most consistent team played with the fewest number of reserves used across one season – Mixed 1 in Winter 2022-23 (Liz Grove, Shan White, Tom Patrick and Jason Baker)
Best newcomer to Maidstone and/or Kent League teams – Peter Maltz
Best captain (as voted by players) – Alison Stewart and Heather Cowie
Player of the year (as voted by players on the night) – Man – Ben Janousek
Player of the year (as voted by players on the night) – Woman – Milena Bowring

Fantastic catering provided by Nicky from Tuck In Catering (